Ukrainians can be granted temporary collective protection in Norway. This means that Ukrainians who come to Norway and apply for protection can be granted a temporary residence permit in Norway if certain conditions are met. You can read more about temporary collective protection for people who have fled Ukraine here. The scheme with collective protection gives a refugee from Ukraine the right to work in Norway.
This article is particularly adapted to you as an employer who wants to offer a job to a refugee from Ukraine.
When a refugee from Ukraine can start working
Ukrainian refugees who come to Norway can ask for skills and competence that Norwegian employers are looking for. However, a prerequisite for being employed is that the foreigner has received approval that collective protection has been granted by the Norwegian immigration authorities.
The introductory program
Ukrainians who have been granted collective protection have the right to participate in a municipal introduction programme. The introductory program includes, among other things, training in Norwegian. It may be good for the employer to note that paid work can be included as part of the induction programme.
Our assistance
If you are an employer and want to offer a job to a refugee from Ukraine, we can assist you through the application process for temporary collective protection , as well as help you with work permits . Our aim is to make the employment process easier for you, while you follow the necessary guidelines.
Get in touch and we'll find out what you need help with, free of charge!
Call us on 21 09 02 02
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