When dealing with the public sector, it's easy to feel small. So it's good to have someone by your side who knows the regulations and who has fought against public authorities several times.
We at Insa advokater are here for you. We can help you in your dealings with child welfare services, immigration authorities or other public bodies that have contacted you for various reasons.
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Ukrainians can be granted temporary collective protection in Norway. This means that Ukrainians who come to Norway and apply for protection (asylum) can be granted a temporary residence permit on the basis of Section 34 of the Immigration Act.
Collective protection makes it possible for a Ukrainian citizen to obtain a residence permit in Norway for one year. The Ministry of Justice and Emergency Preparedness in Norway has also made a change to the immigration regulations which means that displaced people from Ukraine with temporary collective protection will have their permits extended by one year from the expiry of the initial permit.
An application for collective protection under section 34 of the Immigration Act does not give the right to refugee status. This involves, among other things, that most of the procedural rules for ordinary asylum cases do not apply. Anyone who has been granted collective protection can, however, apply for individual treatment to obtain refugee status (apply for asylum). But as long as the scheme with collective protection persists, the immigration authorities (UDI) will put such an application on hold for up to three years.
When the scheme with temporary collective protection ceases, or the scheme has lasted for three years, the UDI must process the foreign national's asylum application, if the foreign national still wishes to do so within a set deadline. If the need for collective protection is present after three years, the immigration authorities can issue a new permit which forms the basis for permanent residence in Norway.
NOTE: Changed situation from and including 28 September 2024 : if you come from areas that the Norwegian authorities define as safe, you will no longer receive collective protection, and must then search for the regulations for individual protection.
The changes do not apply if you have already applied before 28 September 2024, or already have a permit.
The areas the Norwegian authorities consider safe as of 28 September 2024 are:
You will find updated information on UDI's website.
Our assistance
If you have questions related to your case, you can book a free meeting with us and we will clarify how we can help you. We can help you navigate the Norwegian asylum system .
Has the CPS decided to initiate assistance measures and you feel you have no choice? Be skeptical and ask questions! Bring a lawyer with you to the meeting where the decision is made. It may not always be the right thing to do, that it suits you and your family, or that the conditions of the law are met. You can ask the Child Welfare and Health Board to assess whether it is appropriate to impose measures.
According to section 2-1 of the Child Welfare Act, the child welfare service must review reports received as soon as possible, and within one week, and assess whether the report should be followed up with investigations.
The main rule is that assistance measures pursuant to section 3-1 shall be voluntary. It may nevertheless be decided that certain measures must be implemented by order. This means that the parents cannot oppose the measure. Very often, the CPS gives the impression that if you do not accept the support measures, they have no choice but to impose them on you. Be critical and take the case to the county administrative board if you disagree.
A distinction is made between compensatory, controlling, care-changing and parental support measures.
Compensatory measures
The aim of compensatory measures is to alleviate the family's or child's care situation.
In addition to stays in kindergarten or other suitable day care facilities, stays in a visiting home or respite care, homework help, leisure activities, use of support contact or other similar measures can also be compensatory. These measures reduce stress for the child, as well as ensuring stimulation and participation in activities.
Control measures
The purpose of control measures is to ensure that children are not subjected to abuse or maltreatment. Examples of such measures include supervision, mandatory reporting and urine tests.
Care-changing measures
The aim of care-changing measures is to help parents to perform their care tasks in a way that results in positive development for the child. This type of intervention involves various forms of parental guidance, including stays in a center for parents and children, and targets the parents' ability to care. Examples of such measures are stays in family centers.
Parental support measures without the child's consent
Parental support measures can also be implemented for children who have shown serious behavioral difficulties. The aim is to reduce the child's behavioral difficulties. Such measures that do not have consent cannot be maintained for more than six months.
No, parents have no obligation to explain themselves to the CPS. However, it is recommended that you attend the first meeting with the CPS. Bring a lawyer with you rather than not showing up. Demand that the child welfare services cover your legal expenses if you are to attend the meeting with the CPS. You run the risk that the CPS will set a large machinery in motion if you do not show up as agreed. Insa lawyers are available for a chat if you have any questions, at no cost to you.
Measures may continue for up to one year, calculated from the time the decision was made. This does not apply to orders to attend kindergarten or other suitable day care. These measures have no time limit.
You should contact a lawyer if invasive measures are taken by the child welfare services. Do not accept the measures without consulting a lawyer. If no agreement is reached, the case must be sent to the Child Welfare and Health Board. According to the Child Welfare Act, the Board can make a decision on the imposition of remedial measures without holding a negotiation meeting. This means that the case is decided on the basis of the case documents. However, it is possible to request an oral hearing on whether measures should be taken.
However, remember that the child welfare service can, without your consent, obtain documents and information if it is a serious case.
In principle, you are not entitled to free legal aid for voluntary assistance measures. You are only entitled to legal assistance paid for by the state if assistance is ordered. However, it is recommended that you do not accept any assistance measures without consulting a lawyer. Demand that the child welfare services cover your costs. All too often, support measures are put in place without the parents challenging the child welfare services! Contact us for free advice before meeting with the child welfare services.
When the child welfare authorities make a decision to take a child into care, you must be consulted about the choice of foster home. Use a lawyer who can ensure that you are heard about your wishes regarding where the child should be placed. The child welfare authorities often do not follow your wishes and place children with completely unknown people, even if there are suitable alternatives in close family.
Yes, according to section 4, first second paragraph of the Foster Home Regulations, the child welfare service must "always" assess whether someone in the child's family or close network can be chosen as a foster home. Furthermore, your opinion must be included in the child welfare service's assessment. If your opinion has not been heard, you can complain to The Parliamentary Ombud.
Yes, other families can also be considered as foster homes.
According to section 5 of the Foster Home Regulations, the foster home should consist of two foster parents. Single parents may be chosen if the child welfare service finds that this would be in the best interests of the child in question.
If the child welfare service do not wish to place the child in the foster home you have proposed, it is important that a claim for a specific foster home placement is brought before the county social welfare board. The board can assess whether the people you have proposed are suitable as foster parents.
The claim for a specific foster home must be submitted and decided in the same case as the case concerning the takeover of care. If the board does not deal with this case, the district court will not do so either. Make sure you have a lawyer who knows this process, as there is often a slip-up here.
The Foster Home Regulations set out general requirements for foster parents. It states that a foster parent must have the ability, time and energy to give children a safe and good home. A stable life situation, generally good health and good cooperation skills. They must also have finances, housing and a social network that gives children the opportunity to develop their lives.
These requirements may be waived somewhat if it is undoubtedly in the child's best interests to be placed with a particular family or network. Challenge the child welfare service on this before you settle for the child welfare service's choice!
The child welfare service will need to ensure that the family will be able to cope with the dual role and the possible conflict of loyalties inherent in being both a family or close network and a foster home.
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