Adoption of children from Pakistan

Pakistani boy, Pakistan, adoption, happy, smiling, parents, foster parents, adopting a child from PakistanPakistani boy, Pakistan, adoption, happy, smiling, parents, foster parents, adopting a child from Pakistan

Published: Nov 22, 2024

It is possible to adopt from Pakistan, although there are no Norwegian organizations authorized to arrange adoptions from Pakistan. However, the process can be long and extensive.

If you want to adopt a child from Pakistan, with whom you have a connection, the following conditions must be met:

  • At least one of the applicants has a special connection to the child's country of habitual residence
  • At least one of the applicants has a close personal connection to the child or the child's close family and the contact is established without the intention of adoption
  • The child lacks security and permanent caregivers in the country of habitual residence
  • The adoption can be carried out in a proper manner.

If you do not have a specific child you wish to adopt, the legal conditions are as follows:

  • At least one of the applicants has a special connection to the child's country of habitual residence
  • No Norwegian adoption organization has a placement permit in the country of the child's habitual residence
  • The adoption can be carried out in a proper manner.

Details of the conditions that must be met

In both cases, prior consent is required. You can only get prior consent if you are considered to be a good caregiver for children and have a desire to raise the child you are adopting.

The requirement for a connection to the country (in both cases) is met if one of the applicants is a Pakistani national. The same applies if one of the applicants has grown up in Pakistan or has been living there temporarily, for example because of work.

If the application concerns a named child, at least one of the applicants must have a close personal relationship with the child or the child's 'close family'. "The child's close family" refers primarily to the child's parents, siblings, grandparents, uncles or aunts. The contact must be established without a view to adoption.

In addition, the child must lack security and permanent caregivers in Pakistan. Therefore, the authorities in that country must have examined the possibilities of raising the child there and concluded that it is best for the child to be adopted abroad.

The process is extensive - seek help from Bufetat, the Norwegian Foreign Service and a lawyer

Pakistan has no adoption law and is not a party to the Hague Convention. "The Guardian and Wards Act of 1890 regulates the rights of children in Pakistan. This makes the process extensive. It is recommended that you establish contact with Bufetat and the Norwegian foreign service mission. In addition, you should engage a lawyer in Pakistan who can assist you in dealing with the Pakistani legal system.

Insa advokater has partners in Lahore, Pakistan, and our Pakistani colleagues can assist in adoption cases. Please contact us here for an informal chat.

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